Welcome to the Peas Pod

Welcome to the Pea's Pod. This blog is designed to be a light hearted sharing of my thoughts, ideas and adventures as a mommy. I hope that you will find it entertaining and insightful (some of the time) as you join in our roller coaster ride called life in the Peas Pod. If this is your first visit to my blog please read the post entitled Welcome to The Pea's Pod to find out more.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Movement in progress -Spica Cast recovery.

When we were reading up on Spica casts many parents were concerned and asks questions about how soon and how quickly their child would and should start walking again (if they were walking to begin with). So I decided it might be helpful to keep track of Curious George's progress.

So it's been a week and here's what's happened so far. With encouragement and just a little bit of pushing he has come pretty far in a week.

  • First day he is too across to even sit unaided but by the end of the evening is trying some leaning forward and balance himself with his arms to fetch toys. 
  •  Next I encouraged him to sit on the floor and play rather than propped up on the bean bags, which of course he preferred as he felt safe and was used to it. The big trucks, we rediscovered in the garage, greatly aided this process as they didn't fit on the play tray.
  • At the same time we encouraged rolling around on pushing up from his tummy by playing on the our king size bed.
  • Next he figured out how to sit up from lying down. Once again reaking havoc on sleep time. 
  • Then he started getting into crawling position and reaching forward for toys.
  • Then he started to crawl a little and bum shuffle a little.
  • Then he really got into a rhythm and it was just like having a little crawler in the house again. We didn't realise quite how lax we had become with baby proofing since he has been imobile. 
  • Now a week on and he is starting to push up from crawling position onto his feet and hands (like a downward facing dog pilates position). Today he was even brave enough to try successfully standing and climbing on and off the couch.  Sorry for the terrible lighting in the video but it was one of those moments where you just grab a recording device (in this case the IPad) and hope for the best.
Sitting unaided for the first time and playing with his big trucks.

1 comment:

  1. How old was Josh when this happened to him? The video of him climbing on and off the couch has really given me hope! Cannot WAIT to see my little guy moving around again. 2 more weeks of hip spica for us!



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