Welcome to the Peas Pod

Welcome to the Pea's Pod. This blog is designed to be a light hearted sharing of my thoughts, ideas and adventures as a mommy. I hope that you will find it entertaining and insightful (some of the time) as you join in our roller coaster ride called life in the Peas Pod. If this is your first visit to my blog please read the post entitled Welcome to The Pea's Pod to find out more.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Toddler saying of the week - catch up

So I've missed a bunch of weeks and in that time CG has become a real little parrot, repeating most of what is said to him. It's super cute to hear your words said back at your with a toddler accent. I always which I had a camera so I could video the really cute ones but often they are repeated and then disappear forever.

Also Super dad and I have now graduated from mama and dada to mommmi and daddi which is wonderful. Its so nice I don't even mind when he whines it at me, it just makes me smile all the way to my heart.

Here are some of my favourite sayings of the moment and from the past few weeks:

  • "bommi" - mommy when his nose is stuffy
  • "that shounds ice" - that sounds nice in reference to going to grandma's house for a bath when we had no hot water.
  • "I got koo" - I got poo when his nappy is full
  • "kai-i" - dummy
  • "I bes nice" - when he doesn't want to have a nap
  • "boopsie" - oopsie
  • "I go boom" - when he falls over or just when he wants some attention so pretends to fall over
  • "tee" - this is his word for baby and his response to the question "what is your sister's name"
  • "I say no" - when you ask him to do something he doesn't want to do
  • "buck" - chicken
  • "Iminere" - I'm in here, when you're looking for him.
  • "peas and koo" - please and thank you, cause we're trying to teach him good manners.
  • "watch tee now" - warch tv now. He loves the word now and can be very demanding thus the reason behind us staring to demad he talks necely to people and uses please and thank you.

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