Welcome to the Peas Pod

Welcome to the Pea's Pod. This blog is designed to be a light hearted sharing of my thoughts, ideas and adventures as a mommy. I hope that you will find it entertaining and insightful (some of the time) as you join in our roller coaster ride called life in the Peas Pod. If this is your first visit to my blog please read the post entitled Welcome to The Pea's Pod to find out more.

Monday, January 31, 2011

TGIF - Moms need Fridays

Ahhhh - Where did Friday go?
28 January 2011
Thank goodness for Fridays. Today I went to the biblarbars (nickname for where we hang bibs to dry) and came upon a nasty surprise. There was no Friday - ahhh mommies definitely need Fridays.
By the end of the week I am usually at the end of my rope and can't wait for the weekend to begin. I have a love hate relationship with Fridays. I hate them because they go by far too slowly for this very tired mommy who just can't wait to spend time with her husband and have an extra set of hands to help out. I love them because I know that Friday marks the beginning a wonderful family time and an extra set of hands.
As a mom I love the weekend because:
  • I can go to the loo on my own.
  • There's someone else to make coffee in the morning instead of me trying to juggle a fussy child and pour hot water or even worse not get any coffee till said child gets breakfast.
  • When my arms and back get tired of carrying or I get fed up with being a climbing frame someone else can take a turn.
  • I can have a two way conversation about something interesting rather than my stream of consciousness-like conversations with my child about toys, books, crawling, clapping, eating and pooing.
  • There's someone else to take a turn putting my child to sleep for nap time (which right now he is refusing to do by blowing raspberries and playing with his feet in his cot instead of sleeping).
As a wife I love the weekend because my husband is around all day and I love spending time together as friends rather than just parents and colleagues (we work together on the admin all grown ups have to take part in). Of course there are other added perks to not falling into bed exhausted at the end of a long work day but I'll keep those to myself.

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