Welcome to the Peas Pod

Welcome to the Pea's Pod. This blog is designed to be a light hearted sharing of my thoughts, ideas and adventures as a mommy. I hope that you will find it entertaining and insightful (some of the time) as you join in our roller coaster ride called life in the Peas Pod. If this is your first visit to my blog please read the post entitled Welcome to The Pea's Pod to find out more.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

An old 'friend' returns

This week has marked the return of my period (for all you guys reading my blog you may want to skip this post if you feel you might be embarrased by what's to come).

After a year and a half of not having one (except for the post birth trauma but I choose not to remember that) I really am not all that happy to see it return. I feel cheated somehow.
I did not miss it at all, all that feeling yucky and depressed and bloated and unattractive and generally gross. Not to mention the hormone roller coaster and the tiredness. Really I think my body is going through more than enough with a nine month old who's teething, trying to crawl, changing his day sleep pattern, still waking up at night a bit, having a 4am feed and becoming more and more busy. I'm also still breast feeding so I think there's more than enough going on for this one body and mind to handle. I feel the need to stamp my feet, throw a small tantrum and shout 'why me'. I was quite happy without a period. You'll notice that I put the friend part of the title in inverted comas for this precise reason.

Ok, so I really am being a little over dramatic and moaney (I blame it on the hormones) after all my greatest blessing was only a possibility because God made me a woman with a functioning uterus. Without this cycle of life I would never have been able to get pregnant and have my precious little boy. And without the whole womanly system rebooting itself and starting up again I might never be given the opportunity to try the roller coaster of pregnancy and motherhood for a second time (and no you may not ask when that will be). How blessed I am to be gifted with the ability to hold and grow a life inside me - even if that gift means feeling out of sorts once a month.

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