Welcome to the Peas Pod

Welcome to the Pea's Pod. This blog is designed to be a light hearted sharing of my thoughts, ideas and adventures as a mommy. I hope that you will find it entertaining and insightful (some of the time) as you join in our roller coaster ride called life in the Peas Pod. If this is your first visit to my blog please read the post entitled Welcome to The Pea's Pod to find out more.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Half hour sleeping

What are you supposed to do with a child who will not sleep for more than 30min at a time during the day? I'm supposed to be working from home so that I can be here with him but how can I work when I just barely get time to switch my computer on and log in when he wakes up. Even if I'm somehow able to work during every sleep time during the day there are only 4 sleeps so that's 2hrs work at most. When you get paid per hour that's useless. And anyway I never manage to work every sleep time because sometimes I have to do other things like run errands or go to the loo. When your child can only sleep for a half hour even getting to a cup of coffee during that time is a challenge.

I find myself sitting here feeling pretty resentful toward what is ultimately a very low maintenance, happy little boy because I just feel like I cannot get to anything. It seems that one of them main issues here are my own expectations. When I have something I need to get done that's when I get the most frustrated. The middle of the day sleep is the worst. He is usually tired and cranky between 1 and 3 pm and at around 3mnths he started taking a 2hr sleep around this time. He started doing this on his own and it was bliss. But now he can maybe make at 30min or an hour before he wakes. If I think the sleep is over and take him out of his room he screams until I put him back to sleep. But no matter how many times I try to put him down he just wakes up again. Then I have to go through the whole process - crying, soothing, rocking - again. He will only sleep on my lap and then he will sleep quite happily for another hour or hour and a half - sometimes more. I've tried everything I know to try and the only thing that works is letting him sleep on me in the rocking chair in his room.

So that's where I am, again, with 1000 emails waiting to be filed (which I need 2 hands to do or else I would do it while he slept on me) and feeling terribly frustrated and resentful towards the poor little sausage. He of course has no idea and looks like a happy, peaceful little angel sleeping in my arms. Today I am seriously thinking whether introducing solids (just some rice cereal and breast milk) might help. I'm at that stage I'm sure lots of moms get to where you are prepared to try anything. All I can say is thank goodness for cell phones you can type on so that I can keep myself entertained and vent some of my frustration.

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